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    We export a wide selection of Ethiopian agricultural produce - including pulses, cereals, oil seeds and coffee
    We import various vehicles, industrial chemicals and stationary items.
    We export non-GMO Verified agricultural products from Ethiopia.
    They are chemical free and grown with social and environmental approach.

What We Do

Engagement Areas

We are in to exporting agricultural products, importing vehicles, stationary item, construction materials and industrial chemicals. We have also recently ventured in to manufacturing.

Our Products

products & Services

We deal with a variety of products. We export organic agricultural produce ; import vehicles and office supplies; ventured in agro industry.

Product Features


We are an organization dedicated to delivering quality products to our customers world wide with business operations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


our agricultural products are non-GMO verified and organic by default. They meet international organic and non-GMO standards.

Well Harvested

We do all the harvest processes and procedures to deliver you the highest quality farm products.

Well Processed

We have a fully automated machine to clean,wash,sort, grade and package our agricultural produce to fit your purpose.

Well Packaged

All our products are well packaged for ease of shipping.They are packaged in a modified atmosphere, preserving the freshness and quality of the products with necessary information details.

High Quality

Our portfolio of products are focused on you, Your satisfaction is our priority.We always make sure our products both satisfy your needs and provide the best value possible.

Wide Range

With the various products , Our company can accommodate your every need... from imported vehicles and tyers and export farm items through to manufactured items like plastic bags, crop bags among others.

Happy Clients


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